Our Mission

Our mission is to spread the love of letterpress as far as possible, while also helping people to deal with stress, anxiety, and fears that stem from modern life. 

Life is a lot. Pressure, expectations, things we do because we feel we must -- etc. It's no wonder that many of us suffer from varying degrees of mental unwellness. It often feels like the bad is easier to find than the good. So at Mantra and Mood, we try to fight that. We try to find the good, the hope, the light -- however small -- and magnify it. Give it space, presence, tactility. Put it in a frame and stick it on a wall where you can't ignore it. Where you can't forget. See it, start to feel it. That's the hope. That's what we do, at least. And sometimes, it works.

And hey. That's progress. One wall, one day, one brain at a time.